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Database Operations

Supported databases

Rucio uses SQLAlchemy as the object-relational mapper between Python and SQL. Rucio is extensively tested against SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle and should work with them out of the box. The appropriate connection string has to be set in the etc/rucio.cfg, for example:

Oracle: oracle://rucio:rucio@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=10121))(ENABLE=BROKEN)(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=localhost)))

MySQL/MariaDB: mysql+pymysql://rucio:rucio@localhost/rucio

PostgreSQL: postgresql://rucio:rucio@localhost:6601/rucio

SQLite: sqlite:////tmp/rucio.db

Please ensure correct UNIX permissions on the SQLite file, such that the web server process can read and write to it.

Additional options

Connection pooling

Connection pooling is enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting the option

poolclass = nullpool

in the [database] section in etc/rucio.cfg.

Other valid values are singletonthreadpool, which is the default pooling mechanism when using the SQLite engine, and queuepool, which is the default otherwise.

Note that the chosen poolclass may conflict with other pooling options. For instance, one cannot combine poolclass = nullpool with the pool_size option.

Upgrading and downgrading the database schema

Rucio uses Alembic as a database migration tool, which works hand-in-hand with SQLAlchemy. Ensure that in etc/alembic.ini the database connection string is is set to the same database connection string as the etc/rucio.cfg and issue the following command to verify the changes to the upgrade of the schema:

alembic upgrade --sql $(alembic current | cut -d' '-f1):head

You can edit and then apply the SQL directly on your database.

alembic upgrade head

We do not advise running automatic upgrades/downgrades with alembic.

Notabene, schema upgrades are reserved for feature releases and will not happen with patch releases.

Creating a new version as a developer

If you want to create an upgrade path for the schema, you need to generate a schema upgrade+downgrade file:

alembic revision -m 'schema change message'

This will output the name of the file that has been generated with two functions def upgrade() and def downgrade() that need to be implemented. These should reflect the changes to the lib/rucio/db/sqla/ SQLAlchemy mapping. 3