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REST API Documentation

Rucio provides a Rest API interface for client-server communication. The code for the server is located in the Rucio project under lib/rucio/rest/flask/v1.

The Rest API Documentation provides a sufficient documentation of all endpoints and should be descriptive enough so that it is not required to look at the code anymore.


The main framework for the Rest API Documentation is OpenAPI. APISpec extracts the OpenAPI specification conform method documentation strings from the Flask API and constructs the overall OpenAPI specification file. This specification file contains all endpoints and their parameter and return value documentation.


APISpec is a python framework to extract Python doc comments and generate a valid OpenAPI spec file from it. The documentation for each endpoint is a yaml-conform python method doc string starting after ---. The apispec_webframeworks.flask library connects the Python doc comments with the endpoints given by Flask.

tools/ generates the OpenAPI specification file with APISpec.


The latest OpenAPI specification for the Rest API Documentation is available here.


ReDoc creates a static html front-end for a given specification file. ReDoc has several advantages over other front-end tools:

  • It is fast.
  • The generated output is a static file, thus no "hosting" is needed.
  • The generated file is structured, easy to read, contains a search field, and the possibility to display examples.

Front-end generators only need the spec file and some configuration to generate a user friendly view of the documentation. Select a generator from the OpenAPI Tools and generate your own front-end.

To generate the ReDoc html file run

npm install -g redoc-cli
redoc-cli build rest_api_doc_spec_file.yaml --output rest_api_doc.html


The openapi-cli verifies the integrity of the generated spec file. Common problems, e.g. typos in keywords and duplicated path specifications, get filtered and produces an error, if found.

openapi-cli is integrated in the Github Actions, they run in the syntax test suite. To manually check the generated spec file, run

rucio/tools/test/ FILE


Build/verify often

Syntax errors are not easy to spot and appear often. To efficiently add new documentation or edit multiple old ones, gradually apply your changes and build/verify the spec file (both steps take not more than a few seconds). This way any error gets caught in the development cycle, not at the end.

Commit the doc and code changes together

The doc changes are tightly coupled with the code. Making a lot of changes to the code and then one commit with all the documentation changes leads to a divergent history (What if the code commits get reverted?).

Skim the OpenAPI definition

OpenAPI is feature rich and may have some easier/standardized way to express what you think. E.g. deprecated fields can be marked with deprecated: true. Knowing the framework and library you're working with is always a good idea. ;-)

OpenAPI Tools

The OpenAPI Tools are a collection of tools to support writing, verifying and displaying Rest API Documentations. They also provide some ideas on how to further integrate the documentation into other parts of your code base, e.g. for input validation.