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TL;DR - Install the provided pre-commits, follow their recommendations

General Style

Rucio follows flake8 style, (with exclusions listed here). To use them to lint your code, run:

python{version} -m pip install flake8
flake8 --extend-ignore {codes to ignore} /your/code/path


  • Never import using from x import *
  • Order alphabetically, then separated into sections for internal and external dependencies. Group internal imports at the end of the block, and group imports from the same external package.
  • Order modules such that import {packageA} is before from {packageB} import {Module}
  • Do not import whole packages when single modules would suffice.
  • Unused imports must be removed.
  • When a large number of individual imports form a single package/module is required, group them together with () and separate them on their own lines.
  • When importing a module specifically for type checking (e.g. a core module that may not be included in every distribution of rucio, a type from SQLAlchemy), contain them in a block using
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from {package} import {module}

ruff's isort implementation handles import sorting in the rucio pre-commits.


# Wrong
import rucio
from datetime import *
import os

# Right
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from rucio.core.did import add_did
# Wrong
from packageA import moduleA, moduleB, moduleC, moduleD, moduleE, moduleF, moduleG, ...

# Right
from packageA import (

SQLAlchemy Query Guide

The Rucio project has adopted a particular coding style for its interaction with the database. It can be split into two parts: constructing the SQL statement, and executing it and handling its results.

Query construction


Statements involving the use of SQLAlchemy are not exactly Python code; they are SQL masquerading as Python code. Hence, there are benefits to adopting a style that can be considered somewhat un-Pythonic:

  1. It is visually distinct from regular Python code. Thus, it stands out and assists the developer in entering an ‘SQL context’.
  2. It is closer to how one would format actual long SQL statements.

Of course, there are some downsides to this approach. The use of a code formatter is rendered almost impossible, thus requiring manual effort during development. However, code is written once but read many times. As such, we believe that the benefits outweigh the downsides.

Variable Assignment

SQL statements should be assigned to a variable, then executed separately. The name stmt is a common choice.

# Wrong
rses = session.execute(select(models.RSE)).scalars().all()

# Right
stmt = select(
rses = session.execute(stmt).scalars().all()

SQLAlchemy Syntax

All new code should use the more recent SQLAlchemy 2.0 syntax. Existing code using the older 1.4 syntax should be migrated to the 2.0 syntax.

# Wrong
rses = (session.query(models.RSE)

# Right
stmt = select(
rses = session.execute(stmt).scalars().all()


The functions that return basic SQL constructs (e.g. select(), update(), and delete()) should have a newline after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis. Same applies to all methods of those constructs (e.g. distinct(), join(), and where()). The latter should be ordered in a way that matches the syntax of SQL, when permittable. Inside the parentheses, each argument should be indented and put on a separate line.

# Wrong
stmt = (
.where(models.RSEAttrAssociation.key == 'fts')

# Right
stmt = select(
models.RSEAttrAssociation.key == 'fts'

Discouraged Logical Operators

The functions and_() and or_() should be used instead of Python’s bitwise operators & and |.

# Wrong
stmt = select(
(models.Request.scope == models.DataIdentifier.scope) & ( ==

# Right
stmt = select(
and_(models.DataIdentifier.scope == models.DataIdentifier.scope, ==

Python Keywords

The functions true(), false(), and null() should be used instead of Python’s own keywords.

# Wrong
stmt = select(
models.RSE.deleted == False

# Right
stmt = select(
models.RSE.deleted == false()

UPDATE statements

The values() method should be used with a dictionary as its sole argument. The keys should be entities from the models. The opening and closing braces of the dictionary should be paired with the parentheses of values().

# Wrong
stmt = update(
models.Account == InternalAccount('user')

# Wrong
stmt = update(
models.Account == InternalAccount('user')
'status': AccountStatus.DELETED,

# Right
stmt = update(
models.Account == InternalAccount('user')
models.Account.status: AccountStatus.DELETED,


Rucio uses the flake8 precommit as a linter, ruff as a formatter, a custom whitespace remover, and a script to verify a uniform file-header format. Please use these before submitting a pull request.

The Rucio repo provides a pre-commit that does this automatically. Install it with the below commands.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

GitHub Actions

Code style is checked during a pull request with a GitHub action. The action checks the header and type annotations (including a count and veracity). More information about type annotations can be found here. These checks can also be run locally using

tools/ generate {report_output_path.json}

The first action will raise an error if your commits introduce more un-annotated types than it solves, and the second ensures the added types are consistent with the rest of the codebase.