The architecture, design, concepts, implementation, and operational experience of Rucio is backed by a number of peer-reviewed publications, including journal articles, conference proceedings, and doctoral theses.
Martin Barisits, Thomas Beermann, Frank Berghaus, Brian Bockelman, Joaquin Bogado, David Cameron, Dimitrios
Christidis, Diego Ciangottini, Gancho Dimitrov, Markus Elsing, Vincent Garonne, Alessandro di Girolamo, Luc
Goossens, Wen Guan, Jaroslav Guenther, Tomas Javurek, Dietmar Kuhn, Mario Lassnig, Fernando Lopez, Nicolo
Magini, Angelos Molfetas, Armin Nairz, Farid Ould-Saada, Stefan Prenner, Cedric Serfon, Graeme Stewart, Eric
Vaandering, Petya Vasileva, Ralph Vigne, Tobias Wegner
Rucio: Scientific Data
Barisits, M., Beermann, T., Berghaus, F. et al. Comput Softw Big Sci (2019)
3: 11
@article{rucio2019, author = {{Barisits}, Martin and {Beermann}, Thomas and {Berghaus}, Frank and {Bockelman}, Brian and {Bogado}, Joaquin and {Cameron}, David and {Christidis}, Dimitrios and {Ciangottini}, Diego and {Dimitrov}, Gancho and {Elsing}, Markus and {Garonne}, Vincent and {di Girolamo}, Alessandro and {Goossens}, Luc and {Guan}, Wen and {Guenther}, Jaroslav and {Javurek}, Tomas and {Kuhn}, Dietmar and {Lassnig}, Mario and {Lopez}, Fernando and {Magini}, Nicolo and {Molfetas}, Angelos and {Nairz}, Armin and {Ould-Saada}, Farid and {Prenner}, Stefan and {Serfon}, Cedric and {Stewart}, Graeme and {Vaand ering}, Eric and {Vasileva}, Petya and {Vigne}, Ralph and {Wegner}, Tobias}, title = "Rucio: Scientific Data Management", journal = "Computing and Software for Big Science", volume = "3", year = "2019", month = "Aug", day = "09", number = "1", pages = "11", issn = "2510-2044", doi = "10.1007/s41781-019-0026-3", url = "", publisher = "Springer International Publishing" }
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