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Release Policy

Rucio follows a release policy, based on semantic versioning, with major (named) releases. Approximately every 4 months we produce a major release with a version number like x.0.0 (with x > 0). A major release marks the start of a release line. This release line is maintained with minor/patch releases published every two weeks, containing bug fixes or minor enhancements, with version numbers like 35.y.z (with y ≥ 0, z ≥ 0). Versions within one release line are always backwards compatible, thus they do not include database schema changes, API modifications, or other backward-compatibility breaking changes.

Previous to the 32 release line, Rucio used a different versioning theme.

Support period

A release line is only maintained with patch releases until the start of the next release line, thus approximately 4 months. Typically once a year we will designate a release line a Long-term Support (LTS) release line. This release line will be supported with security and critical patches for approximately two years. It is foreseen to have an overlap of at least 12 months between two LTS release lines, to give communities a comfortable time window to deploy the new LTS release.

Client ↔ Server compatibility

For differences between the versions of a Rucio client and a Rucio server we guarantee compatibility between a server and an older client up until the second LTS release line preceeding the server.

For example, a 35 Rucio server guarantees client support until the second LTS release line preceeding its version, thus the 1.29 LTS release line. Therefore it guarantees support of clients of the 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, 32, 33, 34, and 35 release lines.

A 33 Rucio server guarantees client support of the 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, 32, and 33 release lines, while a 32 server guarantees support of the 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, and 32 release lines.

Older clients will most likely work without problems as well; however, the release policy does not guarantee it.

Please be aware that we can not guarantee compatibility of a newer client with an older server.

VersionCode nameRelease dateSupported until
39Grand Theft Donkey2025-112026-03
38 LTSDonkirk2025-07at least 2027-07
37Dungeons & Donkeys2025-032025-07
36Donkey Unchained2024-122025-03
35 LTSDonkey and the Data Factory2024-07at least 2026-07
34Donkey Potter and the Data Cache2024-032024-07
33Eternal Sunshine of the Donkey's Mind2023-122024-03
32 LTSThe Good, The Bad and the Donkey2023-082025-08
1.31Donkeys of the Caribbean2023-032023-07
1.30The Donkeynator2022-112023-03
1.29 LTSInto the Donkeyverse2022-072024-08
1.28Teenage Mutant Ninja Donkeys2022-032022-07
1.27Batdonkey v Superdonkey2021-112022-03
1.26 LTSDonkey League of La Mancha2021-072023-07
1.23 LTSThe incredible Donkey2020-072022-07
1.22Green Donkey2020-022020-06
1.21Donkeys of the Galaxy2019-112020-02
1.20 LTSWonder Donkey2019-062021-07
1.19Fantastic Donkeys2019-022019-06
1.18Invisible Donkey2018-092019-02
1.17Donkey Surfer2018-062018-09
1.16Doctor Donkey2018-042018-06
1.14Professor D2017-112018-02
1.12Captain Donkey2017-072017-09
1.7Donkey One2016-082016-09
1.6The Donkey awakens2016-052016-08
1.5Return of the Donkey2016-042016-05
1.4The Donkey strikes back2016-022016-04

Secondary Rucio Software Policy


The Rucio WebUI is an initiative to modernize the Rucio user interface by leveraging the latest web technologies, built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and React.js.

The versioning of the Rucio WebUI is closely aligned with the Rucio Server's release versioning. Both follow semantic versioning principles, ensuring consistency and compatibility.

  • Major Version: The major version number of the WebUI matches that of the Rucio server it is compatible with. For example, Rucio Server version 35.x.x is compatible with Rucio WebUI version 35.x.x.
  • Minor and Patch Versions: These versions follow semantic versioning:
    • Minor Version: Incremented for new features and improvements that are backward-compatible.
    • Patch Version: Incremented for backward-compatible bug fixes.

JupyterLab extension

The Rucio Jupyterlab extension follows it's own release policy described below.

The plugin's main dependencies are the Rucio REST API, the JupyterLab environment and JavaScript (Node.js and React.js). Up to date, the extension has been tested with several combinations of Rucio major versions (v1.30 onwards) and JupyterLab (v≥3) environments, with the latter indicating the extension version to install (which follows the semantic versioning schema).

  • For JupyterLab v4.x, use v≥1.0.0.
  • For JupyterLab v3.x use the latest supported version (v0.10.0).

Please refer to the Rucio JupyterLab extension project for more details on installation, requirements and release policy.