Rucio Advisory Board
Mandate and responsibilities of the board
The primary function of the Rucio advisory board (RAB) is to provide expertise from representatives of Rucio Science Communities (RSC) and to advise the Rucio project leader. Long-term priorities and plans of communities should be discussed by the RAB in order to advise on the alignment of Rucio project objectives and plans. This should also lead to the identification of common objectives to form common development efforts. The resource and person-power situation within the Rucio project, the discussion and identification of funding streams and collaboration on funded projects are also within the scope of the RAB. The Rucio project leader communicates the advice given by the advisory board to the development team.
The board provides non-binding strategic advice and is informal in nature.
The RAB is composed of a group of representatives of their respective RSC. The goal is to complement the expertise of the development team, and thus representatives should have knowledge about the long-term computing strategy of their community and ideally have responsibility for their project programme and budget.
Membership in the RAB is by invitation of the Rucio project leader. However, suggestions for expanding the board should ideally come from the RAB itself. Representatives serve a 2-year, renewable, term. Invitations to join the board are made to the legal representative of the RSC, typically the spokesperson or coordinator charged with the computing portfolio of the community. The RSC should in return nominate one representative from their community to join the board. Nominations are discussed with the Rucio project leader who ultimately decides on the acceptance.
The Rucio project leader is an ex-officio member of the board and chairs the board meetings.
Composition of the Rucio Advisory Board
Community | Representative | Term |
ATLAS | David South, DESY | 2023-Apr to 2025-Mar |
Belle II | Cedric Serfon, BNL | 2023-Jun to 2025-May |
CMS | Eric Vaandering, FNAL | 2025-Feb to 2027-Jan |
DUNE | Mike Kirby, BNL | 2023-Feb to 2027-Jan |
ESCAPE | Giovanni Guerrieri, CERN | 2025-Feb to 2027-Jan |
SKAO | Rosie Bolton, SKAO | 2024-Jun to 2026-May |
Former Rucio Advisory Board representatives
Community | Representative | Term |
ATLAS | David Cameron, U Oslo | 2023-Feb to 2023-Apr |
Belle II | Paul Laycock, BNL | 2023-Feb to 2023-Jun |
CMS | Katy Ellis, STFC | 2023-Feb to 2025-Jan |
ESCAPE | Xavier Espinal, CERN | 2023-Feb to 2025-Jan |
Eligibility criteria
There are no strict eligibility criteria for an RSC to be viable for having a representative on the RAB. However the goal of the RAB is to have all science communities, who utilize Rucio in production and who are significantly involved in the development of the system, represented on the board. Such significance involves, but is not limited to, long-term contributions of source-code, leadership roles as Rucio component-leads, participation in hackathons and Rucio workshops, community support on the Mattermost channel, etc.
The RAB meets as needed, nominally twice a year. Meetings generally take place at CERN, with remote participation possibilities. The RAB members agree to select a secretary for each meeting who will be in charge of keeping minutes. Minutes are kept internal to the RAB.
Should a representative be exceptionally impeded to join a board meeting, they can nominate a replacement representative, from their RSC, to join the meeting. The replacement must be approved by the Rucio project leader.
Guests can be invited to parts, or the entirety, of a board meeting. Invitations are issued by the Rucio project leader and the RAB members must be informed, in advance, of the attendance of guests.
Mandate versions
Version | Creation |
v1.2 | Feb 5, 2025 |
v1.1 | May 8, 2024 |
v1.0 | Nov 7, 2022 |